Join a Mama HQ band meeting

The 2021 Mama Relaunch Meetup

Hi all. Thanks for stopping by to check out what is happening with Mama as we look to relaunch the band when the virus pandemic has largely disappeared from society. It’s been a long wait!

Here at Mama HQ, we were discussing between us via email how to get a proper meeting up and running even though we cannot meet physically for obvious reasons. It occurred to us that the best way currently available to us as a band is to host a Zoom session or similar. Then someone had the bright idea of inviting friends and fellow Genesis fans onto the call so we could have an online discussion about Mama, the bands future plans and of course all things Genesis.

Join us!

So, that’s what we are going to do and you are invited. On Wednesday 7th April 2021, we will be hosting a band meeting / Q&A session / general online Genesis themed party for anyone who wants to join us. We have no idea if anyone beyond Mama HQ has any interest in this idea, so it’s impossible for us to guess how many people might turn up to such an event. This could be your opportunity to ask the band questions, put your Genesis stories out to a wider audience and impress other Genesis fans with your supreme Genesis knowledge. It might also be rather amusing to watch a band try to control an unruly mass of Genesis fans talking about their number one favourite band (that’s Genesis, not Mama, just in case you were wondering).

So, if this sounds like something you would like to be involved in, all you need is a computer, laptop, mobile or tablet device that can run Zoom. Most such devices will run Zoom easily. Next you need to sign up to our email newsletter, because that’s where we will be publishing the link to join the session (we can’t publish the link in public because then we would be gate-crashed by nasty spammers). Finally, you need to clear your diary on Wednesday 7th April 2021 from 7.30pm onwards. We’ve no idea how long the session might last – it might be an hour or it might be three. You will of course be able to come and go as you please and most importantly, this session is free to join. No fee. Nada.

Is this something of interest to you? Let us know in the comments below.

Here’s the link to sign up to our email list:


We will send the link to join the Zoom session via the email newsletter around 24 hours before the session starts. Add us to your safe senders list when you get the sign up confirmation email, so you can be sure the link will get through your spam folder when we send it.

We might see some of you out there! 🙂